Lotus Pose
Padmasana is a term derived from sanskrit word padma: lotus, and sana: seat or throne. It may refer to:
Lotus pad or Lotus throne in Jain art-Hindu-Buddhist art
Lotus position in yoga meditative position
This is padmasana lotus posture jains are practicing from milleniums Sit erect, stretching the legs out fully. Bend the right leg. Place it high on the left thigh at the juncture of the thigh and hip, with the sole of the foot turned upward. In the same way, get hold of the left leg. Put it on the opposite thigh. The heels are opposite to each other. Both the thighs and knees are pressed against the floor. It may be possible the beginning that one of the thighs is slightly off the ground, but with practice it is easy to perform the āsana in the correct way. Let the index finger touch the tip of the thumb. Place the hands on the knees. Keep the spine, neck and head erect. Fix eyesight on the nose. Breathe slowly, deeply and rhythmically.
- Calms the brain
- Stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, and bladder
- Stretches the ankles and knees
- Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica
- Consistent practice of this pose until late into pregnancy is said to help ease childbirth.
- Traditional texts say that Padmasana destroys all disease and awakens kundalini.