Rave Yoga & Fitness

Yoga is something that's near and dear to our hearts and we want to bring our version of it to the world!

Everyone's doing traditional types of yoga; which is great, it's where it all began, but we're ready to mix it up a bit with a whole new style. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like we're turning yoga on it's head (however, we do love headstands :-P) but we're doing it to a new beat, a new rhythm, a new... well you'll just have to come and see.

Of course we're going to offer the traditional classes, we love those and don't think that they should be forgotten because of all of the useful attributes and benefits to the body that it provides. We're just adding some flavor to it, kicking the music up a bit, changing the tempo here and there, and making it more "fun".


Air Conditioning, Parking, Store, Toilet

Yoga styles

Advanced, Aerial, AntiGravity, Ashtanga, Basics, Beginner, Flow, For Children, Hatha, Hot, Power, Restorative, Vinyasa, Yin


One visit $ 20.00

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