The Yoga Way

Classical Yoga is a science that combines practical methodology, intellectual understanding, and heartfelt commitment. It is both applicable and accessible regardless of one's age or stage of life. This traditional, systematic approach promotes purification on physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual levels—creating a healthier, more balanced You!

Yoga Way is committed to learning, experiencing, and sharing the deepest meanings of these ancient teachings, which stem from the timeless tenets of sanātana dharma. The purity and power of these insights would not be possible if not for our Bapuji, Swami Shri Ashutosh Muni.

It is our objective to cultivate the highest aspects of the soul by minimizing our distractions and staying focused. We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with students who are ready to commit to the highest aspects of the Self within.



Yoga styles

For Children, Hatha, Prenatal

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