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Kerala Ayurveda

Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences and belong to the world’s oldest and most well documented healthcare system. Ayurveda, the science (Veda) of life (Ayur), balances the body using natural therapies and herbal medicines and balances the mind. Yoga, the science of mind brings balance and purity to the body. The two complement each other and together act to achieve harmony of the Body, Mind and Spirit – which is the essence of true health.
Knowledge of Ayurveda in today’s world is essential as it is aimed at the preservation of health and prevention of disease by establishing balance and harmony through nutrition, herbs, meditation, and daily routines. Ayurvedic science provides knowledge to unfold the reality beyond the physical body and achieve harmony of Body, Mind and Spirit. The World Health Organization recognizes Ayurveda as a complete natural health care system.
Modern society is now on an earnest search for balance from the fallout of industry, technology, population growth and quick fixes. The natural, pleasurable Ayurvedic approach to health and wellbeing offers us a simple but powerful regime to stay in alignment with our selves, our source and our world. There are huge benefits for the individual who seriously studies this wisdom. The life style changes that come about with study and practice will enhance vitality of the mind, body and soul and add insight into the lives of others.
Kerala Ayurveda Academy invites you to embark on a journey into the world of Ayurveda. We are confident that it is in this ancient, harmonious and holistic healthcare science that you will discover your innate potential for wellness and learn the tools to maintain health in all facets of living.

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