Surya Mandir

Surya Mandir is dedicated to Surya - the life giving sun that flows through all of us. Our intention is to provide a sacred space to gather and practice while building a loving, supportive community.
A tranquil intimate space offering yogic practices for a healthy body, calm mind and evolving spirit.
Surya Mandir embraces the universality of yoga as it has been given to the modern world. Committed to providing a full breadth of yoga from physical to spiritual practices. Offering physical practices from gentle to vigorous - uniting body, breath and mind - creating physical health, vitality, and well being. Honoring the asanas with concentration on the breath benefits the nervous system - relieving stress and anxiety, calms the mind, massages internal organs, improves posture, strengthens the core and provides fitness for the body as a whole.
Surya Mandir is not the average en masse yoga studio, very grounded in the ancient techniques of self realization, blessed by and holding the energy of a Living Master. The meditations offered are from the oldest yogic lineage known to the modern world, the Nath Sampradaya, and are a true path of spiritual evolution and healing. Himalayan Master Yogiraj Siddhanath has given these teachings for the householder yogi to live in the world while maintaining a daily sadhana of delving within to elevate our consciousness and discover our True Self. These practices provide healing on spiritual, physical and emotional levels. Although the physical practices of yoga are greatly beneficial for anyone practicing meditation, these practices do not require them and are accessible for all.
Surya Mandir is inspired by Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath’s mission of “Earth Peace through Self Peace”. Using powerful yogic practices we can transform ourselves into peace and love and radiate this energy throughout the world.

Yoga styles

Hatha, Kundalini, Vinyasa

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