Heartwood Yoga

Since 1994 we've been offering a variety of body-centered therapies along with group and private instruction of yoga. Our therapy work and classroom instruction are linked by both a common understanding and a single intention.
The common understanding is that physical well-being, mental clarity and calm, and a joyous heart are the shared birthright of all sentient beings. And that any other experience of ourselves is an experience of a loss.
Our single intention both as therapists and teachers is to create a space inviting self-inquiry and supporting Self-realization.
Each group yoga class at heartwood has a distinct 'personality' resulting from the combined energies of the instructor and the regular participants in that class. Weekly classes offer practice opportunities to students at every level of experience. For more personalized instruction, sessions can be tailored for one or several individuals. We also host frequent workshops intended to offer students a more in-depth experience of selected topics.
Therapy offerings at heartwood include yoga therapy, traditional Thai massage, and a variety of Western therapeutic massage modalities all aimed at working through the physical structure in support of a return to wholeness.


Massage, Toilet

Yoga styles

Hatha, Restorative, Yin


One visit $ 15.00

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