Club Rhythm
The Place ... 69-71 Melbourne Street North Adelaide 5006The Club Rhythm experience begins at the front door. From the heart shaped sculptures greeting you to the stunning muslin carpet filling the entranceway, the warmth is immediately felt. Earth colours infuse the club with life and highlight the white leather Ottomans. Overlooking reception, the magnificent Tree of Life, the theme for Club Rhythm creates a magical aura that inspires and uplifts. The relaxing music combined with light features from china all contribute to the welcoming environment that is Club Rhythm.A feature of Club Rhythm is the use of smaller, more personal, areas. Surrounded by sheer curtain, Life Fitness Cross Trainer/Ellipticals and Summit Trainers overlook the beautiful St Cyprian Anglican Church on Melbourne Street. Fluid Upper body Ergometers and Fluid Cycles lead into the Life Fitness Pin Loaded strength training equipment. Shimmering wallpaper, rustic colors and mood lighting create an upliftin