Laureen Rueckner's Yoga Classes

Hatha yoga means yoga for health — the physical aspects of yoga. Hatha yoga uses physical poses to explore the inner structures of the body, the mind, and the self. Each pose is a means to feel inwardly, to discover where you are strong, tight, weak, or dull. Hatha yoga provides the framework for the experiences of physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness.
Within the system of hatha yoga there are numerous schools, each following one person's teachings. This class is based for the most part on the teaching of BKS Iyengar. The Iyengar method emphasizes precise and careful body alignment, muscular balance, and maximum spinal extension. For more information on Iyengar yoga classes and how they differ from other schools, click on FAQ.
There is nothing magical or mystical about yoga. Anyone can experience the "benefits" of yoga by just practicing the poses. The means to physical, mental, and spiritual wholeness are your own body in the poses and your own willingness to observe closely how you feel.



Yoga styles



One visit $ 10.00

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