Purple Yoga

Purple is a color often associated with the Crown Chakra. This Chakra is associated with divine wisdom, our spirit, our Oneness with the Universe, our Unity with all that is, and Enlightenment.
The Chakras are a concept of traditional Indian medicine associated with our physical, mental and emotional states.
The logo mark is an illustration of 3 circles that represent Mind, Body & Spirit. The blue circle embodies our masculine energy, and the pink our feminine energy. The union of these two circles creates purple.
The Sanskrit word yoga has many meanings “to yoke”, “union”, “to control”, to “unite”.
This union of Mind, Body, Spirit, Feminine & Masculine energy is much of what defines the practice of yoga.
Hopes your practice brings you a sense of Unity and wellbeing.

We provide a fun, healthy environment with innovative design and amenities to support your practice and encourage a strong sense of community.Purple Features: Over 60 classes per week for all levels; 2 Yoga Rooms; Relaxing meditation lounge; Spa-like locker rooms with showers; Mat and towel services; Yoga wear and accessories boutique; Yoga media library.


Parking, Shower, Toilet

Yoga styles

Nidra, Restorative, Yin

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