Surya Yoga

Namaste and welcome to Surya Yoga! Surya Yoga was founded as a way to provide the local community with a comprehensive yoga study and consciousness-raising gathering space. Whether you are new to the practice of yoga or you have been practicing for years, you will find our tranquil space an ideal spot to relax, practice yoga, meditate, study, and meet other like-minded people. The studio promotes an atmosphere of respect, kindness and compassion infused with upbeat energy and a joy for life.
Your teachers are deeply committed to the eight limbs of yoga and want to share their passion for yoga with you.



Yoga styles

Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin


One visit $ 15.00

5 visits $ 65.00

10 visits $ 125.00

One month $ 100.00

3 monthes $ 265.00

6 monthes $ 515.00

One year $ 1000.00

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