Samadhi Yoga
At Samadhi Yoga our aim is to share the magic of yoga to help students attain the essential state of joy, Samadhi. Our center promotes the practice of yoga in a supportive environment with the ultimate goal of helping to build a world of peace and unity. Samadhi literally translated means transcendental bliss. Yoga means yoke or union. (We yoke our individual mind to the Divine or higher mind.) Samadhi is the 8th stage or branch on the tree of Ashtanga yoga first written down by Patanjali more than 2,000 years ago. Yama and Niyama are the rules and observances for living, Asana are the yogic postures, Pranayama are breathing practices, Pratyahara is withdrawing the senses to facilitate Dharana (concentration or focus) and Dhyana (meditation). By integrating these tools into our daily lives, we are likely to realize the great peace that lies within. Through yoga we may realize our timeless connection to Spirit and to each other, in community. One neednt subscribe to any particular beliefs to receive the immense benefits of yoga. It is a time-tested recipe for manifesting the highest state of being.