Bikram Yoga Of North Scottsdale

What is Bikram Yoga?
Bikram is a demanding series of 26 postures (asana) and two breathing exercises (pranayamas), which is suitable for all ages and levels of ability. Each posture stretches and strengthens specific muscles, ligaments, and joints needed for the next posture.
The Bikram method also stimulates the organs, glands, and nerves, moving fresh oxygenated blood to 100 percent of the body, restoring all systems to a healthy working order. Bikram scientifically designed this 90 minute program to deliver total health through the balancing and strengthening of every system in the body, in order to prevent illness and injury, promote weight loss, and limit the effects of aging.
This series of postures combines the skills of concentration, patience, determination and self-control, which increases mental clarity and reduces stress. Bikram Yoga is done in a heated room to warm your muscles, prevent injury, allow a deeper workout and cleanse the body by flushing toxins!
Why the heated room?
The recommended temperature is minimum of 105F degrees, and about 40% humidity. The room is kept at this temperature (or more) for the following benefits:
*Keeping the body from overheating
*Protecting the muscles to allow for deeper stretching
*Detoxing the body (open pores to let toxins out)
*Thinning the blood to clear the circulatory system
*Increasing heart rate for better cardiovascular workout
*Improving strength by putting muscle tissue in optimal state for reorganization
*Reorganizing the lipids (fat) in the muscular structure
*Increasing your flexibility and assisting you in stretching deeper to affect healing
Within this website you will be able to view many aspects of our organization including our class packages, promotions, massage therapists, etc!
We will be adding content and information relevant to our industry and practice on a regular basis so please fell free to use this site as a resource.
The Bikram Yoga of North Scottsdale Staff



Yoga styles



One visit $ 17.00

One month $ 155.00

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