Bryan Kest's Power Yoga

Aloha everybody,
for those of you unfamiliar with a donation-base yoga studio please understand that the payment of our monthly rent and expenses as well the livelihood of our incredibly dedicated instructors come only through YOUR donations.
Donation does not mean free. It means " The act of giving ". How much you give, how much you are able to give, from the suggested $14.00 per class to $0, that is your business and personal. We certainly don't want to prevent you from practicing yoga simply because you don't have the cash. We trust that through giving freely to you , the universe will take care of us through all of you. We also believe yoga is for EVERYBODY who wants to participate. Yoga is a sacred practice for personal growth that everybody is entitled to according to the people who truly care about the wellness of ALL BEINGS.
I would like to thank Jesus and Buddha and all the great ones for their life's work and uplifting message. It is integrating this message into our lives every moment of every day that constitutes a yoga practice. I would like to invite all of you to work on and flourish in that message through the classes at this studio. Because THAT IS WHY THIS STUDIO IS HERE!


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