Adelanto Studio Yoga & Life Arts

Our studio is the perfect antidote to today's hectic pace. Simple, serene, and surrounded by Sycamore trees. Sunlight brightens the studio and often you can hear the birds talking in the trees. We open the doors to have a cool, fresh breeze flow through class.
Yoga mats are not needed, our studio is carpeted and we provided warm, cozy blankets for sitting and propping.
We offer class sessions, private sessions or uniquely designed yoga therapy programs just for you.
Our instructors are certified in Svaroopa (R) Yoga or Ananada Yoga. Yoga classes are 1.5 hours long. Each class consists of a delightful guided awareness, breathing practice, poses, and ending shavasana. Classes are sequenced to enhance your experience and may follow various themes:
Daily Practice ~Lower spine openers ~ Forward Bends ~ Abdominals ~ Standing Poses ~ Classical Poses ~ Twists ~ Backbends ~ Inversions~
Our classes do not include difficult poses that you see on the cover of popular magazines. If you can sit, stand, or rest on the floor, you will be able to enjoy a class with our wonderful teachers.
We offer classes every day of the week, listed on our home page.
We offer workshops on a monthly basis with different themes.
Guest instructors hold workshops or special classes throughout the year.
Our monthly newsletter keeps; you informed of all upcoming events.

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