Om Base Yoga

We are a yoga studio accessible to people of all experience and activity levels, and our focus is on inviting yoga into our lives in everything we do, not just on the yoga mat.
We offer Easy Does It classes for students of all ages, including seniors and students with mobility challenges. We also offer Yin yoga, Prenatal yoga, and BLISyoga, (Body Learning Integration System), which focuses on deep healing, combining yoga with energy medicine, meditation and visualization. Vinyasa Flow classes are for the ones of you that want a more active type of yoga, which you can mix up on other days with Deep stretch classes suitable for everyone.
Besides drop in classes (no need for registration), we also offer series (the yin yoga series is very popular) and yoga immersions during the week (pre-register for these). On the weekend we sometimes offer workshops, and other events. Other forms of healing modalities such as massage, Reiki, Acupuncture, Hypnobirthing, and healing sessions are also available.
Our style is eclectic and each teacher flavors the class with her or his personal approach, knowledge and experience.



Yoga styles

Flow, Prenatal, Yin


One visit $ 14.00

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