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Adishesha Yoga

In short, our motto is: "Get Real"!Use your body, mind, relationships – any tools at hand to realize who you are.Let go of habitual patterns that the mind entertains and the body holds.Unplug what is stuck, allowing for the flow of clear thought and space for the body to be at ease. Listen deeply to feel the aliveness of each cell, of each breath.We can do it in many different ways while holding the space in great attention. We can work with our body – stretch it, twist it, invigorate it with strength. We can work with our breath – lengthen it, hold it, move it in various ways. We can sit still and just watch. We can garden or paint or listen to awesome music. Pick anything and it can be very useful! The trick is to pay attention – to be "here", to be present. Here - not lost in the mind stuff. Awake!

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