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Exhale! Pilates & Yoga

The Yoga program at Exhale is based on classical yoga principles and brings together teachers from a variety of yoga styles. Each style brings its own unique philosophy and style of practice – from devotional, to gentle, to therapeutic, to deeply energetic. We offer 4 and 6 weeks Beginning Series: Into to Yoga Basics, Yoga for 50+, Yoga for the Fuller Body; and specialty classes: Prenatal Yoga, and Mom & Baby Yoga.Our skilled team of instructors are certified by programs that meet the highest standards of the Pilates, Yoga and fitness industry. Our instructors hold additional degrees and certifications, including Nutrition Consulting with Andrea Lopriore (RD), and Pilates-based Physical Therapy with Marsha Dorman (MSPT)… allowing us to provide a complete fitness experience depending on your needs. We work closely with a community of bodywork, medical and rehabilitation specialists to provide an integrated approach to whole body fitness and conditioning.



Yoga styles

Advanced, Anusara, Ashtanga, Viniyoga


One visit $ 15.00

One month $ 195.00

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