Pilates Yoga And Beyond Studio

Pilates Yoga and Beyond offers a variety of group classes and individual sessions to assist participants on their wellness journey. Located on the north side of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, this studio offers a warm and inviting atmosphere to welcome individuals interested in yoga, pilates, thai yoga and general wellness. The goal of Pilates Yoga and Beyond is to offer high-quality instruction to people interested in increasing flexibility, balance, coordination, strength and releasing stress, tension and blocked energy.

Our bodies are the most amazing piece of equipment we'll ever own. You don't have to BE FLEXIBLE to participate. You don't have to BE STRONG to participate - that all comes with a consistent practice. You just need to have an open mind and be willing to let your body do what it can. Your instructor, Sheri Baemmert, RYT, is certified in pilates, thai yoga, yoga and has been teaching since 1990. She will guide you on your journey to wellness whether you are an experienced fitness participant or brand new to the exercise world.

Let today be the day you start having more energy, more strength, more flexibility and look forward to exercising both body and mind.



Yoga styles

Chair, Hatha, Vinyasa


One visit $ 20.00

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