Bikram Yoga Danbury

Bikram yoga is a demanding 26 posture series. It is practiced in a heated room to warm up the whole body. This allows the student to work deep into the muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs and every cell of the body. Primarily, Bikram yoga is an excellent preventative activity as well as a system that can reduce many symptoms of chronic ailments and diseases. The class is designed for all levels, whether a first time student or an advanced practitioner. In time, the student learns how to use the breath to connect the mind and body. This allows them to practice deeper while remaining calm and balance. As a student deepens this relationship they begin to realize the meaning of yoga – a union of the body, mind and spirit.
Bikram Yoga College of India Danbury offers classic Bikram yoga classes – under the strictest of Bikram guidelines and dialogue. We give each student, whether a beginner or advanced, a place to practice the very best Bikram yoga. It is our intention to teach Bikram yoga the way it was meant to be taught – true to the dialogue, the heat and the challenge.

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