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The Yoga Factory

We built The Yoga Factory because we wanted a place to practice really great yoga with really great people. Lakewood, Uptown and Oaklawn are nice places to visit, but we sensed something missing north of LBJ. We are in a great, easy-to-get-to location on Preston Road, not too far north or south, between Frankford and Bush. So the location and ambience are great, but where’s the meat, you ask? Come practice with us! We are family and singles-friendly. Fit for all ages and practice levels, we have regularly-schedule Basics classes each week and Basics workshops quarterly, with in-depth support-group style trainings focused on goal-setting, meditation and nutrition throughout the year and 60-75-90 minute classes in a warm room every day. Come join us!

Yoga styles

Beginner, Flow, Power


One visit $ 15.00

One month $ 108.00

3 monthes $ 135.00

6 monthes $ 250.00

One year $ 1100.00

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