Wholetrition Wellness


Yoga classes are tailored to try and meet all levels. Please consult the instructor with any questions.

Vinyasa Yoga is known for its dynamic, meditative and creative sequences. It explores the stillness within motion, strength within ease, and wisdom within action. The basic principle behind vinyasa yoga is linking breath with movement to uncover the layers (koshas) to reveal true self.

Gentle Flow Yoga is Hatha Yoga for beginners focusing on easy flow patterns with higher emphasize on hip openers and bends, twists and balancing postures.

Hatha Yoga is a gentle and basic class with no flow between the poses. It is a slow paced class focusing more on breathing and meditation.

Lava Flow is for beginning and advanced practitioners offering options for all levels, this class will increase strength and flexibility for the mind, body and spirit by linking the breath with movement. Lava flow is choreographed to include a vinyasa flow by igniting the fire within, incorporating twists for detoxing and core work. This class will leave you feeling replenished, recharged and ultimately blissful after a beautiful guided meditation in savasana.

All Level Vinyasa consists of meditation, breath work, and a Vinyasa flow that incorporates a strong core, an open heart to focus on the shoulders for riding postures, and stretching the hips to sit more comfortably in the saddle. This is beneficial to people who ride horses and for those who sit at a desk all day.

Traditional Sivananda Yoga includes three basic principles: Sivasana (deep relaxation); Pranayama, (breathing exercises); Asana (postures). Classes are designed for all levels, intermediate as well as advanced. Students will move through all the standard 12 postures, such as Sun Salutations, Shoulder Stand, Balancing postures and Cobra series as well as many others. The practice will enhance and refine breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques. The open class provides a wonderful venue for strengthening, increasing flexibility and balance and uncovering the abilities and sensibilities
of the body, mind and spirit.


Air Conditioning, Free mats, Massage, Parking, Toilet, Ventilation, Wi-Fi

Yoga styles

Flow, Hatha, Vinyasa


One visit $ 12.00

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