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Tactical Fighting Systems

As a Chicago Police Officer with 19 years of street experience, I have witnessed countless people, from every walk of life, fall victim to vicious and violent attacks as they were going through their regular, every day routines. These attacks can occur at any time, day or night, and can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, sex, or physical appearance. Predators are merely looking for their next victim to rob, beat, or rape; they don’t discriminate. Whether you are jogging, walking your dog, or on your way to catch the bus or train for work, criminals are lying in wait for the next easy mark. Walking with your head down, texting, and listening to your IPOD only makes the situation worse and in fact, increases the likelihood that you will be the next victim. Blending into your surroundings and acting helpless and timid won’t help either; violent criminals won’t feel sorry for you or ignore you; instead, they will target you and they’ll win. With the uncertain economic times, violent crime is on the rise, and the situation is only going to get worse. When the economy is weak, criminals become more desperate than ever and are willing to do just about anything to survive, even if that means committing heinous acts of violence against innocent people. Don’t be the next helpless victim!


Parking, Shower, Toilet, Ventilation


One month $ 129.00

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