Yoga Blend

Namaste* and welcome to Yoga Blend. We love being a part of the Burbank community and look forward to sharing the journey of yoga with you.
Yoga Blend is co-owned by my husband, Jason, and I. Originally from Nashville, TN, I had a vision of creating a yoga studio with a small town feel like what I experienced in Nashville when I first started yoga in 1995. Jason supported that vision so together we opened Yoga Blend in March of 2005 and expanded to our current location in 2007. It is everything I ever dreamed of and more: an amazing community of like minded people coming together to create the change they want to see in their lives.
I know that when I first started yoga, I was so intimidated by the whole process. You will find no intimidation here!! We want you to come to the studio, relax, catch up with friends, take an awesome yoga class, have fun and leave feeling great.
Yoga Blend offers many styles and traditions of yoga because we believe that all styles have something wonderful to offer and feel that everyone needs different things at different times in their lives. We love the diversity and hope you will too.

Yoga styles

For Children, Power, Vinyasa

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