Yoga Tree

Earthy. Ethereal. Enlivening. These words are infused into every atom of space in our Telegraph studio.

Our classes, workshops and teacher trainings are taught by the best instructors in the Bay Area for Vinyasa, Hatha, Anusara, Jivamukti, Prenatal, Restorative and AcroYoga. Whether you practice cradled by the cozy, grounding elements of our front studio or enveloped by the delicate, uplifting essence of our Peacock room, you will feel as though you are being nurtured and loved by the spirit of Berkeley itself.

While waiting to begin your journey inward, browse our personally handpicked selection of inspired jewelry, clothing and books, or picnic and chat with friends while you soak up a little extra sun and fresh air. Restore and exhilarate your soul in this delightful environment.



Yoga styles

Anusara, For Children, Vinyasa


One visit $ 18.00

5 visits $ 80.00

10 visits $ 150.00

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