Sara Artist Yogi Hart

iHARTyoga is unique and fun!

Build strength and stamina with strong flow classes catered to athletes / gym goers for better performance and prevent/rehab injury.

IHARTyoga is also a favorite among artists and creatives as Sara being an artist as well shares knowledge and insight on how to benefit the most from a yoga practice to support your creative lifestyle!

iHARTyoga and you should too!

Yoga styles

Advanced, Anusara, Ashtanga, Basics, Beginner, Flow, For Children, Hatha, Hot, Integral, Power, Restorative, Vinyasa

Training locations

Client's place, Home, Studio, Outdoor


One visit $ 15.00

5 visits $ 200.00

10 visits $ 400.00

  • Expirience
  • Knowledge
  • Connectivity
  • Inspiration

    1 Reviews · 1 Thanks

    Posted 10 years, 6 months ago

    i teach what i know and you help me grow <3 om shanti - see you on the mat!

    1 Thanks ·