Kundalini Vibes Yoga

Kundalini Vibes is a start-up yoga community dedicated to the cultivation of consciousness promoting a healthy, happy, and holy lifestyle based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. We take the unique practice of Kundalini Yoga and integrate an eclectic range of electronic and classical music in hopes of activating the chakras (body energy centers) and engaging the Kundalini Energy to arise. It is with our deepest intention to bring those who we encounter to a greater state of consciousness and to raise the vibration of the masses.

Kundalini Yoga is the original and most powerful of the twenty-two schools of yoga, all of which are beneficial. Kundalini Yoga is designed for the active person with responsibilities in school, work, family and the world. It was maintained as a secret oral tradition for thousands of years which protected the techniques from abuse, but also created an unnecessary image of mystery. Kundalini Yoga can be practiced by anyone if it is done gradually and according to the instructions. As our society becomes increasingly technological, our world becomes more intimately connected and influenced by its numerous cultures. The pace of change is on the rise and the stress on our body’s nervous system is increasing. The science of Kundalini Yoga allows us to tap into a technology that helps us cope with this escalating change. The inner science of the mind is the tool that will enable us to cope with the pressure of these changes. It is the mind that interprets our outer and inner worlds and it is the mind that we must train to guide us through the flow of change.

Interested in getting deeper into your experience? Want something more structured towards your personal needs? Contact us for information on private sessions! We would be so pleased to guide your journey. Sat Nam & Namaste!

Yoga styles


Training locations

Client's place, Home, Studio, Outdoor


One visit $ 75.00

5 visits $ 300.00

10 visits $ 500.00

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