
Melanie Tascone

Melanie Tascone (meltyoga) has been practicing yoga for over 15 years with investigation into many types of yoga including ashtanga, iyengar, bikram, yin yoga and even aerial yoga.

Mel has experienced first-hand the profound effects of yoga’s spiritual and physical healing powers. She attributes yoga to keeping her grounded and able to cope with the challenges of life changing for her – going from a career-minded communications professional to a mother of three beautiful children in the space of two years (a little boy and twin girls born in a two year time span).

Originally enrolling to yoga teacher training to broaden her knowledge of yoga because she just couldn’t get enough of it, Mel found that what happened in the process was that her love of yoga broadened and deepened so that she felt herself compelled to teach. She currently teaches in the Eastern suburbs of Perth including YogAbode, Yogabyrne and Melt Yoga in Bassendean.

Mel sees her teaching as constantly evolving – a lifetime of learning – and she hopes to be able to impart the awesomeness of yoga to more people – of all shapes, sizes and age. She loves to see her students becoming more aware of yoga’s health benefits and seeing their minds opening up to the potential to improve their overall wellbeing through yoga.

Yoga styles

Beginner, Flow, Hatha, Nidra, Restorative, Yin

Training locations

Client's place, Home, Studio, Outdoor


One visit $ 34.05

10 visits $ 278.60

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