
Svetlana Poweryogaworld

Sveta is a certified Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow Yoga Instructor and holds various international certificates including Power Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Yoga for Seniors, Yoga for Golfers and Yoga for Kids. She has worked around the world in Europe, Russia and Asia for the last ten years.

Sveta has a background in Indian cultural philosophy, yoga philosophy, Pranayam (breathing control techniques) and meditation. These practices, as well as her years as a professional ballet dancer, greatly enhance her teaching. Our classes are holistic, incorporating challenging and dynamic flowing posture sequences as well as ample time for softness, relaxation, breath and meditation. We encourage students to compassionately stretch their own boundaries and help guide them to recognize for themselves where those boundaries lie.

Yoga styles

Advanced, Ashtanga, Basics, Beginner, Flow, For Children, Hatha, Nidra, Post-natal, Power, Prenatal, Restorative, Vinyasa, Yin

Training locations

Client's place, Home, Studio, Outdoor


One visit $ 12.61

10 visits $ 94.61

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