Workshop - Yoga For Knitters


This 2 hour workshop is designed for the knitter who is curious about how yoga can compliment their knitting. We will address the physical aspect by stretching and opening up areas that are worked and become tense while knitting and also practice breath and mindfulness exercises to help calm down the stressed out knitter! No previous yoga experience is needed--- we will do all of our work from the floor or a chair!

During our time together we will learn how to sit in a supported and open manner, practice poses that gently open up the chest, shoulders, neck, back and wrists, and also practice sitting in stillness and observing the body and breath. Bring you knitting --- something not too complex, no lace or cable patterns that you really have to think about --- and we will put what we have learned together at the end and knit ! As we do so, we will practice knitting mindfully, being aware of what is happening with our bodies and our breath as we knit. Also, feel free to bring any recently finished projects that you would like to show off!

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