Workshop - Restorative Backbends for Everyone! A 3 Series Practice with Joan Varini
Begin the New Year with an Open Heart: Restorative Backbends for Everyone! A 3 Series Practice with Joan Varini
The benefits of back bending are not reserved for those that can move through the practice easily. Back bends offer an opportunity to undo the constant forward moving and forward folding activities of our daily lives, creating a space in us to explore our deeper selves in a new way and alter our attitudes while receiving a release of natural pain killers. In this three class workshop we will explore the many elements of healthy back bending.
By incorporating breath control and the technical knowledge of what parts of our body and what movements are necessary for back bending, we will leave this workshop with the ability to create peace with ourselves through our practice. While we will strengthen our upper legs and lower back, lengthen the front of our bodies and open our chest, our newfound awareness and acceptance of our own bodies resistance will help us sculpt the movements we need in order to move in and out of back bends safely.
We will leave this workshop fearlessly open to receive the powerful benefits backbends have to offer, such as: the ability to realign and reinforce the ligaments of the knees and ankles, stimulate the central nervous system, boost the immune system, help counteract the damage of bad posture, realign the spine, relieve back pain, as well as build strength, fearlessness and an open heart.
All levels are encouraged to attended.
Price $50 for all 3 Series. Pre-registration is required. Call the studio (305) 670-2010 or register online. Thank you.
Schedule / Line up
Tuesdays January 14, 21 and 28
7:30-8:45 pm