Teacher Training - Lotus Fly Super School 50 hour Advanced Intensive: Hands-on Module


Become a master of assists with our 50-hour training devoted to the Art of Hands-On.

One of the most profound and accessible ways to deepen your teaching sadhana and plug more power into your classes is through the study and practice of hands-on assists. Our mornings begin with a Lotus Flow practice designed to give you practical experience with assists in a safe and creative environment. We will follow with a deeper investigation of touch through the study of such things as AcroYoga, Thai Yoga and Ayurveda. In the afternoon, we will examine assists for all families of asana: Surya Namaskar, Standing Poses, Twists, Binds, Backbends, Arm-Balances, Forward Bends, Restoratives and Savasana. Together, we will explore how touch can be both a powerful and subtle way to connect more deeply with your students, while fostering a practical understanding of asana and alignment for both them and you.

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